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You are not alone if you find yourself always sampling new face wash, Face Toners/Cleansers, Face Creams or even needing to always use concealers – Trust me. But you see, I found out some time ago that I could Eat my way into healthy skin complexion by regularly infusing into my diet, these super foods that will keep not just your face but your entire body glowing.

  1. Tomatoes


Tomatoes are a great source of Lycopene which is known to protect skin from damaging UV rays while also having anti-aging properties. No matter the ripeness of a tomato, the health and skin benefits still stands. Try using fresh crushed tomatoes in your sauces, sliced tomatoes in your salads and even sandwiches to be sure you are really getting it in.

  1. Kiwi Fruit


Eating kiwi fruit regularly will keep your skin smooth, firm, and glowing. This fruit is high in vitamins C and E and also, like tomatoes, it also is an amazing source of lycopene which heals and protects skin. Researches have shown that eating the skin of a kiwi is also extremely beneficial. Try adding kiwi to your salads, or to your morning juice or smoothies.

  1. Avocado


Avocado is known for having a large quantity of good fats, making it one of the healthiest foods you can eat for your skin. Avocado has abundant amounts of omega-3, vitamin A, C, and E. Eating avocado regularly will help even out your complexion, moisturize your skin, keep your skin glowing and healed from any damage. Use mashed avocado on toast in the morning, or in your salad at lunch!

  1. Carrots


Carrots are another yummy skin protecting food. They help fight against the sun’s harmful rays and actually help repair the skin from damage already done! Carrots are Packed with vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system and help speed up cell growth. Throw carrots into your juicer in the morning, or eat them steamed for dinner with spices.

  1. Water


Calm your nerves – I know, this isn’t FOOD, but I couldn’t write this article about what to eat for skin complexion without adding Water. Drinking enough water each day is one of the most important things you can do for your skin’s health. Water consumption helps hydrate your skin, helps flush your body of toxins, and keeps your skin glowing! You should be drinking a minimum of three liters of water each day. Make your water drinking experience even more healthy and interesting by infusing fruits or vegetables like kiwi, Strawberry, cucumber, or any other thing that will benefit your skin and give the water a delicious hint of flavor.


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